Connecting Pages

Connecting pages makes info easier to find and gives pages more visibility.

Before creating a new page, search the site or check the "list all pages" wikipage. The page you want to create may already exist but under a different name. Once you are sure that have a new page, use the following techniques to integrate your page into the wiki. Most integration tools can be found in the tool bar at the bottom of each page (when not in editing mode.)

  • Add tags to your page. Tags are pages are categorized in the wiki. At the bottom of the left side navigation bar, there is a group of words. These words are tags and all the words together are a tag cloud. If you click on any one of them, it will take you to a page where you can see all the wiki pages tagged with that term. Try a mix of commonly used and unique tags to list your page so that you can gain the maximum visibility.
  • Create new tags. If you find a page that connects to yours but a current tag category doesn't describe it, create a tag and add it to both pages. This helps to grow categories of interest and might inspire others to contribute.
  • Use page links. Consider putting page links and website links directly into the page you are editing. You can easilly link to other pages by putting the page name in inside of three set of brackets "" "". You can also add the page you are edting as a page link within other pages.
  • Designate a "parent page". Parent pages are how the wiki sitemap is create. Marking parent pages creates a network between all the wiki pages. Once you have set a parent pages, the page you are editing will show up as a "child page" or sub-section of the parent page in the the site map. Additionally, you will be able to see just under the heading on any child page, the root stem of that page. For example, the parent page for the wiki page you are currently reading is "editing". If you look at the top of this page you can see that this page is a sub-section of editing and therefore a childpage. You can navigate the sight be clicking parent and child pages.
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