GCC Past Programs and Iniatives
A listing of notable actions of the OGS Graduate Community Coordinator
GCC past programs and initiatives
2004-2005, Intern: Dana Dahlstrom
- Established the Grad Programming Council
- Worked with Women's Center and Grad Students to establish the organization, Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
- Helped to organized the first Graduate and Professional Student Experience Survey (GPSES)
- Alternative Campus Tour
- Grad Cornucopia: Taste of Cuisine from Around the World
- Black Graduate Student Mixers
- Graduate Women Mixer
2005-2006 Intern: Erin Malone
- Amazing Race: The Grad Quest
- LGBT Thanksgiving Potluck
- Thursday Coffee Hour at the LGBT Resource Center
- Interdisciplinary Mixer
- Speed Friending
- Grad Night Java Jam: Art Show and Open Mic
- Grad Health Group and Badminton Fridays
2006-2007 Intern: Erin Malone
- Sat on GPSES Committee
- Established ucsdgrads.wikidot.com
- Set up listservs: RGSA, Blackgrad-l, Grad-parents-listserv
- Worked on establishing a Black Graduate Students Association
- Established the [[[GCC Blog]]
- LGBT Salsa Night
- Speed-friending
- Words of Love or Lack Thereof...
- Grad Creative Night
- Black Graduate Student Mixers
- Graduate Students of Color Meet and Greet
- Helped UEAM plan national day of action