Cafe Vita Language Meet-Up

What's this all about?


Are you trying to learn a new language for research or personal interest? Do you miss speaking your native language? Join one of the Cafe Vita Language Meetups!

The meet-ups are an opportunity to get graduate students (and others) together to speak and practice their language(s) of interest. All of the meetups take place at Cafe Vita in the UCSD One Miramar Housing Complex on Miramar St (just off Regents Rd in the UTC area.)

Scheduled Meet-Ups

(contact coordinators for more info)

Language Day/Time Coordinator Coordinator's Email
Spanish Thursdays @ 7 pm Reece ude.dscu|kcepr#ude.dscu|kcepr
French Thursdays @ 6pm Erin moc.liamg|dscuenolame#moc.liamg|dscuenolame
German Sundays @6pm Annette ude.dscu|revulca#ude.dscu|revulca
Japanese Wednesdays 7-8:30pm Daisy ude.dscu|eelysiad#ude.dscu|eelysiad
Mandarin Tuesdays @ 8pm Lili ude.dscu|gnepl#ude.dscu|gnepl
Portugese Wednesdays @ 7pm Elize ude.dscu|ogeidazame#ude.dscu|ogeidazame

Get involved!


If you are interested, send your name, email, and language(s) spoken to the coordinator above. If your language isn't active email Erin at moc.liamg|dscuenolame#moc.liamg|dscuenolame to find out the status of that language. The group could just be waiting on a coordinator or a few more members to get started. Please indicate if you are interested in coordinating a group, being a participant, or both! New meetups can start back at anytime. Check back often for updates!


Being a meetup coordinator is easy and fun! Coordinators greet new participants, keep conversation going and make everyone feel welcome. You're primary job is to be present so people will know where the meet up is taking place. Your few duties will include: determining a meetup time, greeting new participants, and keeping an email list. All publicity, reserving space, and other logistics will be taken care of for you. Your language meetup can also have a webpage on where you can place updates or photos if you wish.

As grad students we know that even this small committment might just be too much to handle, so consider co-coordinating. Split your duties with another participant or if you can't make a meeting, contact someone on the email list to play coordinator for a day. If you are interested, contact Erin at moc.liamg|dscuenolame#moc.liamg|dscuenolame.

Languages of Interest

Thus far, there has been interest expressed in the languages below. There are many groups that have interest but to start scheduling the meetings there should be at least 1 participant and 1 coordinator. Once those are secure the meet-ups can officially start. Contact moc.liamg|dscuenolame#moc.liamg|dscuenolame or leave a comment to express interest in one of the languages below or suggest a new language.

Check the table below for the status of non-active meet-up groups.

Language # of Participants Coordinator? Y/N
Arabic 2 N
ASL-American Sign Language 4 N
Bengali 1 N
Cantonese 1 N
English/ESL 3 N
German 4 Y
Hindi 1 N
Italian 3 N
Japanese 5 Y
Lithuanian 1 N
Mandarin 5 Y
Russian 3 N
Tagalog 1 N
Taiwanese 1 N
Thai 1 N

What languages are you interested in? Tell us by leaving a comment below. Make sure to contact moc.liamg|dscuenolame#moc.liamg|dscuenolame so that you information can be passed along to other interested particpants.

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